#74 Bocce Club Pizza

February 17th, 2018

Buffalo, NY

We saved the highest ranked Buffalo pizza place for last. After we checked out of our hotel, we drove down to Bocce Club Pizza and got there right at noon when it opened.

Bocce Club Pizza was opened even before La Nova, in 1946, when the owner bought a pizza oven after WWII. It originally was a bocce ball club, with courts in the yard and sandwiches and drinks inside. In the 1980’s, it became the first restaurant to offer take-out pizza in Buffalo. It still seems to have most of its business as a take-out pizzeria because the only seating area is a few stools at a high counter along the far wall.

Here, you can order a full or a half pizza, which is nice. We ordered a half size, topped with half meatballs (honestly, we were getting a bit tired of pepperoni).  We were not surprised to see that they also serve wings but unfortunately we didn’t get to try them. We have only so much stomach space.

This ended up being our favorite pizza place in Buffalo. It was just as heavy on the cheese as the first two, but the sauce was a bit sweeter and the crust was fluffy without being overwhelming. We thought it was really similar to the slab pizzas that we had in Maine.

We didn’t quite finish this pizza either and had to take some leftover slices to go in the car. These Buffalo pizzas are heavy! (And the baby bump in the photo on the left means that I don’t have as much space for pizza anymore to begin with). But Eric enjoyed them the next night for dinner and said they held up pretty well.

After lunch, we hit the road to head down to Cleveland. The last two places on this mini-road-trip coming up next week!

To visit:

Bocce Club Pizza
4174 Bailey Ave
Amherst, NY 14226