#61 Pizza Shackamaxon

January 26th, 2019

Philadelphia, PA

We were very sad when Pizzeria Beddia closed. Even though we had to plan our whole day around going there early, waiting in line, and then waiting for our pizza, it was worth the trip every once in a while to be one of the first 40 in line and eat that amazing pizza. When we heard that a new pizza place had moved into the space, we were very excited to try it because it had big shoes to fill.

Pizza Shackamaxon doesn’t make and serve whole pies. They will, but they’re set up as a slice shop in a city that doesn’t have too many good ones. In this respect, they are essentially set up as the opposite of Beddia, which didn’t serve slices. On their website, Pizza Shackamaxon says “We pride ourselves in being a “slice-first” shop (one of few left in our area) because this means we have the pleasure of serving the many over the few.” I wonder if this is a direct dig to Beddia. If you want a whole pie, you’ll have to order it, and then wait for however long it takes to make.

The big question, obviously, is how do these slices compare to Beddia’s? Well, they are pretty delicious. We took my mom and James, and we each tried a slice of cheese and a slice of tomato pie. Well, James didn’t get his own slices, he just had to try ours. They keep it simple here – only offering cheese, tomato pie, pepperoni, and a special, focusing on local, fresh ingredients.

We ordered our slices and decided to eat at one of the standing tables in house. While trying to juggle our slices (and our baby), we dropped one of the tomato pie slices. We probably would have eaten it anyway, but the guys here were kind enough to bring us a new slice and help us clean up the mess that we made on their floor.

It’s REALLY hard to find a good tomato pie slice. I think this may be one of the only ones that we’ve ever had that tasted just as amazing as it looked. We like our tomato pie slice overloaded with sauce, and this sauce was so flavorful. And the cheese slice was just as amazing. It may not have been as tasty as that cheese pie at Beddia, but it is absolutely worth making another trip back here for, and they are open for lunch.

To visit:
Pizza Shackamaxon
115 E Girard Ave #3907
Philadelphia, PA 19125